What is the ClubShop Rewards Program?
What is the ClubShop Rewards Program?
The ClubShop Rewards Program enables
ClubShop members to shop at local offline stores and online shopping stores, receiving
instant discounts or CashBack on their purchases when presenting their ClubShop Rewards Card. The
program also offers a wonderful business opportunity for the local storeowners
that agree to accept the ClubShop Rewards Cards.

A Merchant Affiliate - a storeowner that agrees to accept the ClubShop Rewards Card—is able to increase and retain business by creating customer loyalty when they accept the ClubShop Rewards Card, and they will be added to our directory of participating Merchant Affiliates. The greater the number of participating Merchant Affiliates in YOUR area, the greater the savings that can be realized by Members in YOUR area.
So what does ClubShop Rewards Program mean to you? As a consumer, the ClubShop Rewards Program means you earn instant discounts or CashBack when you shop at stores that accept the ClubShop Rewards Card. But the potential to save money can become the potential to earn money when you refer YOUR friends and family to the ClubShop Rewards program. You earn referral fees when someone that you refer to ClubShop makes a purchase with his/her ClubShop Rewards Membership Card and when they shop on-line through the ClubShop Mall.
This course is an example of the type of courses that we offer at the E-Business Institute. (Courses at the E-Business Institute are free to GIBBS, Glocal Income Business Building System subscribers and as a GIBBS subscriber, you automatically qualify as a Partner).
It will give you the basics that you need to refer others to the ClubShop Rewards program, and to sign up local stores in YOUR area to accept the ClubShop Rewards Cards.
How Can You Refer YOUR Friends and Family?
Show and Tell! You can refer YOUR friends and family to the ClubShop Rewards program by using what we call “Show and Tell” Marketing. Show them something they want, and then tell them how to get it for less! Right now, marketing may seem like a scary word to you, especially if you think that you’ve never done it before. But what if we told you that you are a born marketer, and that you do it every day effectively and with little effort?
Marketing is the fancy word for telling someone about a product, usually with the intent of getting him to use the product. It’s something that you do every day. Say Neighbor Joe hollers across the lawn that he likes YOUR new lawn mower, and you holler back how you got it for a great deal at Fred’s Hardware Store.
You’ve just marketed a product to Fred. Or let’s say that Colleague Jane admires YOUR new shirt, and you explain how they come in three different colors down at Sally’s Clothing Store. You’ve just marketed again, this time to Sally. Now imagine Neighbor Joe admiring YOUR lawn mower, and you reply, “I got it down at Ace’s Hardware Store, and I earned CashBack too by using my ClubShop Card!” Or Colleague Jane commenting on YOUR shirt, and you reply, “It was on sale at Sally’s Clothing Store, and with my ClubShop Rewards Card, I even got an instant 10% discount!”
How do you get ClubShop Rewards cards to hand out?
. Order ClubShop Reward Cards from our Business Center or buy one from your sponsor.
Neighborhood Shops – How Can You Tell Them About the ClubShop Rewards Program?
Before you can use YOUR ClubShop Rewards Card at YOUR local stores, YOUR local stores must agree to accept the card, right? That’s where you come in. And it’s easier to get started than you might guess.
First, let’s answer two questions that you undoubtedly have swimming in YOUR head right now:
1. How do the storeowners benefit? Participating Merchant Affiliates will be able to increase business by being listed in our online ClubShop Rewards Directory and accepting the ClubShop Rewards Card from our Members, as well as using ClubShop Rewards as a customer loyalty program. Merchant Affiliates are able to develop an additional source of income by issuing ClubShop Rewards cards and signing up their customers and friends as new ClubShop members. When their referrals make a qualified purchase, they earn a referral fee.
2. How do I benefit? The most obvious benefit for you when you sign up a local business is that you will then be able to shop at the store using YOUR ClubShop Rewards Card. But what if by signing up a merchant, you were securing a monthly income for YOURself? It’s possible! When you sponsor a Merchant Affiliate, all customers to whom that merchant gives ClubShop Rewards Cards are now a part of a network under you. And when those customers make qualified purchases with their ClubShop Rewards Card, you earn credit in the form of PayPoints giving you the potential to earn hundreds, even thousands of dollars a month!
ClubShop Rewards Partner Compensation Plan
So now that you are familiar with the benefits of the program, how do you take
those benefits to YOUR local shops? Easy! Think about it. Where do you get YOUR
hair cut? What’s YOUR favorite little restaurant? Where do you buy YOUR flowers
on holidays? All of these shops are prospective Merchant Affiliates. And since
you’re already a customer, YOUR chances of a successful presentation are
Here is how the ClubShop Rewards program works:
1. A person joins ClubShop for free and becomes a ClubShop Member.
3. Using their ClubShop Rewards card, they shop with participating Merchant Affiliates online or offline and automatically earn instant discounts or CashBack.
4. If this ClubShop Member refers others to become ClubShop Members, they will automatically earn referral commission on their Members’ shopping purchases with many ClubShop Rewards and ClubShop Online Shopping Mall Merchant Affiliates.
5. As their ClubShop Members refer others, a network of ClubShop Members develops and the sponsoring members are able to earn additional income on the shopping purchases of their entire network organization by becoming an Affiliate or Partner.
Simply put, join the ClubShop for free and save money on YOUR online and offline shopping purchases, then refer others and make money their online and offline shopping purchases. Everybody wins !!!
Here is how the ClubShop Rewards program works:
1. A person joins ClubShop for free and becomes a ClubShop Member.
3. Using their ClubShop Rewards card, they shop with participating Merchant Affiliates online or offline and automatically earn instant discounts or CashBack.
4. If this ClubShop Member refers others to become ClubShop Members, they will automatically earn referral commission on their Members’ shopping purchases with many ClubShop Rewards and ClubShop Online Shopping Mall Merchant Affiliates.
5. As their ClubShop Members refer others, a network of ClubShop Members develops and the sponsoring members are able to earn additional income on the shopping purchases of their entire network organization by becoming an Affiliate or Partner.
Simply put, join the ClubShop for free and save money on YOUR online and offline shopping purchases, then refer others and make money their online and offline shopping purchases. Everybody wins !!!

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